You need a Class III medical certificate for these licenses:
- Air Traffic Control License
- Flight Service Officers.
A Class 3 medical certificate is valid for two years.
The examination and tests required are similar to those required for the Class I medical. Prior to your assessment, apply for an ARN and log into the CASA portal to complete your medical history and pay the CASA processing fee. Don’t forget to SUBMIT the details so that your DAME can access you file.

The initial examination will include these tests:
ECG, screening audiometry, fasting serum lipids, fasting blood glucose, and an aviation eye examination by a CASA Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist or Credentialed Optometrist.
For medical certificate renewals, the following tests are performed:
ECGs are required at the first renewal after the age of 25, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. After 40, an ECG is required annually.
Audiograms are required at the first renewal after the age of 25 and then every five years from the age of 25.
Fasting lipids and glucose are required at the first renewal after the age of 25 and then every five years from the age of 25 until age 60, when they are required annually
An eye examination is required by a CASA Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist or Credentialed Optometrist at age 60 and every two years after